Geometry by Surfaces

Definition of confined space

The volume is described by means of a number of polygons which define a confined space. Each polygon must be plane.

The coordinates of the volume’s vertices are defined and provided with a node number.

Example on geometry with node numbers.

Each polygon is defined by means of the list of node numbers which enclosed the polygon.

To check the consistency of the input data it is necessary to indicate the coordinates of a point which is expected clearly inside the volume.

The Surface Geometry can be copied to an Edge Model if you prefer to work with edges instead of surfaces.

The coordinates of the vertices are defined in the local (r,s,t)-coordinate system. The positioning of the volume in the global (x,y,z)-coordinate system is described in EditVolume.


Polygons enclosing other polygons or holes must be divided so that the individual polygon does not enclose anything. That means that the red surface in the figure below must be defined as 2 polygons (e.g., A and B) as shown in the lower figure.