Loading measuring data from clipboard

Click on the button Load from Clipboard and the window in figure C-1 will show up.


Figure C-1


1.      In the window is shown the date and time part of first line of measuring data. The first time you are using the software it is necessary to define the format of date and time.

2.      Press the New-button and the window in figure C-2 appears.

Figure C-2


3.      Define the date and time format of the measuring by means of the code letters,  please note the example in the bottom of the window.

4.      When you leave the window by means of the OK-button, after defining the format, the format will show up in list of formats, Figure C-3. These formats are automatically stored and next time you want to retrieve data you can just select the relevant format.

Figure C-3


5.      Now select the button Load from Clipboard and what you have placed on the clipboard is read by means of the selected data/time format . If an error occurs at this moment the specified time and date-format is not matching the actual format of the measuring data.

6.      When data is successfully loaded the window is showing a table and 2 graphs representing the measured temperature of the sample and of the ambient. See figure C-4 showing an example from measuring heat of hydration.

Figure C-4


7.      Brief thermal shock can cause misreading as shown in Figure C-4. A little earlier than 80 hours the ambient temperature is suddenly dropping. As shown this is causing a sudden rise of the temperature in the core of the concrete. This rise is of course not real. The misreading has to be removed before continuing. When you are selecting a row in the table by clicking the mouse the corresponding position on the graph is shown with a cross-hair. You can move along using arrow-keys and page up/page-down-keys to point out misreading. Misreading are deleted by means of the Delete-key.

8.      Also at the end of the test, not relevant data from disconnecting the thermocouples should also be removed.