
The time is specified by sliding the "Time"-scrollbar.

The normal to the cross-section you want to see is chosen by the radio-buttons.

The cross-section is positioned by sliding the "Coordinate"-scrollbar.

In the table is shown extreme values in the viewed cross-section at the specified time. Temperatures in cooling pipes/heating cables are not included.

If you check "Show min/max" the positions where the extreme values are located, will appear.

If you check "Local Scaling", colours and isocurves will be scaled on results from the shown cross section at the actual time. If not checked, colours and isocurves are scaled for the entire structure during the whole calculation period.

You can zoom in on a specific part of an isoplot by dragging the mouse with the left mouse button kept down, while the Ctrl-key is pressed. Zoom back out by clicking the right mouse button. Also, the mouse wheel can be used for zoom/unzoom.

Panning is done, when dragging with the left mouse button pressed.

It is possible to change the number of iso-curves.

Temperatures in cooling pipes are shown. Temperatures in heating cables are not shown.

If you want to know how the result in a certain point is changing of a function of time:

If the chosen point is in a cooling pipe, only the temperature of the cooling water is shown. If the chosen point is in a heating cable nothing is shown.

Overview Mouse and Keyboard actions


The displacements will always be zero at cast time. That means that displacements, in former casted volumes, which have taken place before the next casting, is not a part of the displacements in the next casting.

When the type of result is "Displacements", it is possible to display 3D deformations in the right window. In order to make the deformations visible, the displacements are multiplied with a factor. The default factor is determined so that the maximum occurrence of displacement (throughout the simulation period) is shown as 5% of the extent of the construction. It is possible the change the factor, and reset it to the default value;

 As mentioned above the displacements will always be zero at cast time. That means that casting against previous casting can lead to strange geometries at the joints.