Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of the material are characterized by:

E-modulus, force-unit/area-unit

Poissons ratio, strain/strain

Thermal expansion, strain/temperature-unit

Eigen strain,

Creep-model consisting of 2 serial connected Kelvin-elements

Stress in springs based on total creep strain, Creep Model I:

The rate of creep-strain, , is calculated from:

Stress in springs based on incremental creep strain, Creep Model II:

The change of rate of creep-strain, , is calculated from:



 is the accumulated stress in the spring no. i.



mi is the viscocity in Kelvin-element no. i (force*time/area)

Ei is the springfactor in Kelvin-element no. i (force/area)

εc,i is the total creep-strain in Kelvin-element no. i

is the creeping Poissons ratio, see below.


Creeping Poissons ratio,

The effect of the creeping Poisson's ratio appears from the above shown matrix A.



All properties are functions of maturity and are described by means of the function:


M is the maturity

Qinit = Initial value

Qfinal = Final value

τe = Time Parameter, determining the maturity where the sign of the curvature is changing

α = Curvature Parameter, describing how steep the rise of the curve is


by means of a piecewise linear curve.