Cross section

The cross-section is identified by a user-defined name. The same cross-section can be used in different volumes.

The geometry of the cross-section can be arbitrary polygonal. The polygon is described by coordinates (r,s) to the vertices in the (r-s-t)-coordinate system.

An offset relative to the r-s-coordinate system can be specified.

At any time you can observe in the graph-window how your data is interpreted (your last key-stroke may not be interpreted until you move the cursor to another cell).

When editing the table you can use the INSERT-, DELETE- , TAB-, ENTER-keys and use copy and paste from the clipboard.

It is possible to load input-data from external data-files.

Important! If you change an existing cross-section its boundary conditions will be deleted.

A tool for making circular cross-section, pops up when using the Circle-button. After using the tool the coordinates can be manually changed. The Circle-input is not saved.

Holes in volumes are defined as separate volumes with no material.